Monday, October 12, 2009

Whoops, missed some days.

I do that sometimes... miss updating people. It's because I'm anti-social and don't give a crap usually.

So.. hmm. I've been working. I took off the 8th, and those that know me should know why I did. I spent the day home, and uttered 4 words the entire time between midnight to midnight. What words?
"Stop scratching"
That's it, and you should be able to surmise I spent the day alone with the dogs. It was... a long day, and gave me a lot of time to think.

I'm still writing like a madman. A madman that writes a lot... anyway. Still GI Joe, and I wrote a short story, with a moral and all. And then wrote a gory story that popped into my head and bugged me to write it. The original story is now over 63,000 words long, and finally getting close to wrapping up.

I found a new animated GI Joe cartoon that ran breifly, and since it's on youtube, I've been watching the segments. But it seems it's mostly Sgt Slaughter, so blegh, whatever. Since when does a Sgt wrestler need to be in charge of GI Joe?? Stupid toy companies.

OtherMandie needed another vet trip and ran up more bill. That dog has officially cost me more in vet bills than the other 6 dogs and all the cats combined. Stupid dog isn't even supposed to be MY dog! She was abandoned.

Found out the AFT geckos are NOT big enough to breed, and I might have to wait until NEXT year. That really blows. And I cleaned all the snakes up, watered them all, and then when I went to check late last night, well over half the bins are dirty, and they've been dumping water bowls over, etc. So I have to re-clean all of those!

Going today to get the oil changed in the truck, because it's over 2500 miles over the time to change it. Normally I get it done once a month. "Once a MONTH??" you say(in my imagination). Yep. That's what you gotta do if you have two+ hours of driving a commute five days a week. I go through the normal oil change milage in slightly less than one month. But I normally notice when my windshield washer fluid runs out(which is about every 5-6 weeks), and then go "Oh.. look at the milage!".

My hair is officially as of yesterday, long enough to braid in the back, while containing all the hair, and not needing to do the top seperately. I found a cheap halloween mask that MIGHT do for the Richard costume. I'll have to cut it apart, paint it, highlight it, and install yellow eyes(I think I found yellow lenses that are PERFECT!). What Richard costume, you're asking(in my imagination again)?? Please... allow me to pimp my favorite webcomic!

Read it!! Read it or Richard will pull your entrails out for fun! Yes.. I channel Richard. I've said it for a while now. I have a tee-shirt from that comic too. Only one so far.

The monitor lizards are outside.. and Moggie gave me a HELL of a welt on my outer upper arm. It's like someone pushed a hot dog under the skin, seriously OUCH. She tail whipped me for daring to feed her. Silly me. I really did think I was out of range.. foolish foolish me.

So I'm descending into madness(further, deeper, more throughly soaking in it). Or.. in other words.. business as usual.

I'm also considering going out to the stores, when I make the trip.. you know, bookstore, walmart, grocery.. etc. and NOT talking the entire time. I'll have to use pantamime and writing notes.. just to get the feel for how a mute character has to deal with everyday life. Plus.. I'm anti-social, and it seems like a great way to avoid having to talk to people. But really.. mostly the character thing.

Yes.. madness. I think that covers everything I can rem.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Unrest on the Dashboard...

Today on the drive home, without warning, during a turn, the floppy lizard chased Happy Crab across the length of the dash, then did a turn and hip-checked him right off the end, sending him to the floor. Then Floppy slid backwards to lie on the dash and act like nothing happened.

Not sure what set Floppy off today. I'd like to think Happy Crab instigated it, but it's HAPPY CRAB!

So, even though this picture was taken yesterday and it looks like all is well, apparently Floppy has issues with Happy Crab, and I'll have to take care to watch them so they don't fight.

My dashboard zoo is endlessly entertaining! I should charge admission... $5.

A sad day

Today was the funeral of my friend Alexander. He was such a cool guy, and I feel horrible about his wife and daughter, who are also both dear friends. I feel I can't do anything helpful for them. I couldn't attend the funeral due to work, but normally I won't attend funerals anyway. Funerals are for people to say goodbye, and I don't need to be near the body to say goodbye to my friend, so I rarely go.

In other news, I decided to start pairing the ball pythons up for breeding. Het pied to het pied right now, and I'll figure out who next as I go along this week.

I'll be pairing the african fat tail geckos too. The two larger females are big enough to breed, so maybe I'll get some cool stripes from Bruin, and maybe albinos from Amper. We'll have to see if I get eggs or even breeding activity.

Been writing like mad! I got over 47,000 words on the main story. There's over 75 reviews on it too. So far I've posted 14 chapters, with more to go. Lovin' it. I even research various bits, to be sure I'm getting it right.

Myself, I've been headachey and hurty lately. I did a ton of needed cleaning yesterday though. Today I'm waiting on one last client to pick up, then waiting for the rat guy to come with my weekly order. I cleaned all the snake bins so they're all ready to eat when I get home.

Also, I had to plug in the heater in the snake room last night! It got SOOO cold! Well for florida. Probably 60.

That about sums it all up. I can't put up a picture, as I am posting from work. You'll survive.