Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My monday of the week

Since i work tues-sat.. today is my "monday".

Got met in the parking lot of the shop by my neurotic client, who detailed out how she wanted her dog done.. then she repeated it all once she followed me inside. Since she wanted the Standard poodle's topknot shaved off.. with eyebrows left.. and the rest shaved.. I did try gently to dissuede her. She insited, I agreed.

Once I got her shaved down.. her topknot shaved off.. the owner calls.. "Oh about those eyebrows.. I'm not sure.." "TOO LATE!" So she ended up having me remove the eyebrows too when she picked up.. meaning she looked like a pinhead.

Got off work and got my check in the bank, got my mail from the post office, got a new comic, yay!, got a card from my friend.. not that bad.

Stomach is still upset, but it's doing better. Got almost an hour of chores done. Boys weeded the flower beds today. Pics are of the snapdragons and my rose bloom.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Down day

Yep.. really down today. With stress and everything, I've just felt very depressed. So I've been sitting around doing next to nothing useful. I watered the plants outside.. did a load of laundry and baked some bratwurst for dinner.

Otherwise, it was hot and clear and sunny and the dogs have lain around all day too. Gave Groo some scratchings and fiddled around and wrote a few hundred words, talked to a few folks online or texting.

Yawn. Slept in until 11am and still feel like crawling back into bed all day. Even Lil Beachie made himself scarce all day.

So new news

Sorry it's been sooooo long. Not that many folks read this. But I always have the MOST trouble signing in to post a blog here. No idea why.

I've been okay.. although there was a fairly major upheaval and change in my life, and it was sufficiently upsetting to me that I was ill a few days. With any hope, it'll mean my life is less stressful. I can only hope. With no fallout or crazyiness, it will.

No python eggs, but I do have 4 gecko eggs in the incubator. The male AFT gecko died though. The snakes are mostly doing fine.

Groo woke up! Yay for awake tegu lizard. She's starting to get active too. The dogs are all fine.. the cat is doing as well as can be expected.

I recently went to a event and got everyone(nearly) to write notes to Shobin who is over in Kuwait now. Took a group picture too, so hopefully that packet will arrive in a timely manner and he'll like it. Sis is doing much better with her broken legs and finally is back at Benning so I'm hopeful that she'll get back into the OCS program quickly.

And... snapdragons are blooming! Putting a pic of them up here. Lil Beachie has been DARNED busy and there's lots of pictures up on his twitter, so check it out.

Writing has gone okay lately.. since I had the laptop implode from the virus.. then get wiped and redone(thanks to my most awesome brothers!) the writing has gone pretty well. I enjoy it and feel acomplished when I post a chapter up. I also got some really AWESOME artwork commissioned, will post that up too.

With any luck I'll be posting more often here. Shrug.. who knows.. I've said that before!