Monday, January 10, 2011

Well hell.

I'm trying AGAIN to start keeping up the blog. MAYBE I'll be able to keep signing in to post. It's always such a fucking trial. I usually have to jump through all the hoops and reset the password, after I figure out which of the emails or things it wants me to use this time.


The boss fired the other groomer right after christmas. The new one starts on wedsday. Suck. I didn't like her to begin with when she came by. Work has been slow to okay, not super busy, not making tons of money. I can pay my bills and I love my job, and I adore my boss. So life isn't bad at all regarding my work situtaion.

In other news, I have a broken tooth that needs to come out. I've put it off through Xmas so I wouldn't risk not being able to make it to work. Now I put it off antoher week hoping that I'll have enough funds to have 3 taken out, rather than taking out the painful one, then needing to go back in a week or two to have the 2 abcessed ones out. Also, I have a complete terror of dentists to begin with.

I painted the CoverGirl figure into her old tan uniform. I forgot to get brown paint for her damn boots though, so I have to go to Hobby Lobby and get red and brown. Red for another figure, brown for her boots. ALso, I broke apart two figures and used the parts to build a Kamakura figure, which I'm painting. The paint job looked factory perfect, until I took it out into strong sunlight, where it looks like shit. Lucky I have to change the color to a more grey-blue and a lighter Army green. So the last coats to change the shade will finish the coating. Hopefully.

The house is still a disaster, although I have made a LOT of progress! The bedroom's display cabinet is completely cleared off, a cloth cover put on it, and the Joe vehicles displayed on top. The bookshelves over it are almost cleared off and reset. I have to decide which books are going where before I can set them up. I'd like to also put my favorite action figures up there, or put them with the vehicles. That'll get done along the way. Still need to find a new bed for back there.

Writing is going along quite well. I'm currantly working on the Rendezvous fic and the male pregnancy story. I finished the crackfic and posted it. Lots has been posted in fact, including the smut fics.

Joined a cool GI Joe site, theterrordrome. Very nice folks there, friendly and mostly G-rated, so it's not like the hiss place with all the vulgar people who just bash everything in the universe. The only positives I've seen there were people praising some custom figures. Otherwise, they bash everything in nasty ways, and so I don't go there anymore, just stay over on TD.

Snakes are breeding, and I'm hoping to get some nice eggs. I just paired up the geckos to see if they'll breed too. Hoping for that to go well also. The monitors skipped this year for eggs it seems. Wilson is being a total ass like always. Moggie is mostly mellowed out and hangs out or eats or sleeps. Typical.

That covers just about everything for now. I'll be updating along the way much more, I hope!

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