Monday, January 18, 2010

No mechanic trip today

The mechanic was too busy to look at the truck today, even though I was prety pitiful, which I'm ashamed of. I hate it when people try that on me at work, but I did it to him anyway. Sigh. Anyway, I'm taking wesday off work to take the truck to him so I get to hope it makes it to work and back tomorrow, then will miss work(and thus pay) on wedsday, because my life sucks.

At home here, I used steel wool on the helmet, looks better. But I might have to use some bond-o on the edging. I got the chin strap in, so now it's complete, just need the paint job(and possibly Bond-o). Then it's putting on the camera and mic, possibly the scale plates(want to be authentic!!).

Also, I have beef roast and taters and onions in the crockpot cooking slowly, and I made mashed potatoes on the stove for lunch. Then I realized I have no butter or cheese to put in the taters, which sucked. Blegh. Ate some for lunch anyway.

Dogs are almost all outside enjoying another day of nice weather, it's just a bit chill inside the house with the windows open. It's nice outside, and so when I sanded the helmet, I did that outside in the front yard.

I did move back to my bedroom, so I slept in my bed again, yay! Next job is to clear out the back bedroom. I'll try to post any progress if I bother to actually do any of it.

Writing is going okay, the characters had a major argument, and now they're sulking at each other. Perfect. LOL.

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