Sunday, January 17, 2010

Once again...

I spent most of today jumping through all the hoops to sign in to here. Sigh.

Anyway.. now that I've forgotten all the stuff I was going to blog about..

The weather was awesome today, warm, sunny, breezy, just great!

The nieghbors tacked up about a dozen no trespass, keep out type signs in their front yard. Some drama going on between diff neighbors. It was grand to see the primate behaviors going on though. I stepped out to get some mop water from the hose, and the boys from across the road made a big fuss of greeting me, making sure to seem as if I was part of an alliance with them. It's pure chimp behavior, and always amusing for me to see myself put into the alpha role in this neighborhood.

I did a small amount of cleaning. I'm probably getting moved back to my bedroom, although I didn't get the bedroom cleaned up like I originally was going to. Oh well.

I've done quite a bit of writing, started a new fic(Road trip!) and am getting down to the last two days of the vacation fic. Ever think about how a game of football would go if there was a ninja playing? Yeah.. now try writing it.

Mood swings are more shallow now. This is good. My annoyance with Moggie and Wilson is less tonight, although they aren't doing as much scraping and all tonight either.

The truck is acting up really badly, and I'm taking it to the mechanic tomorrow. I hope it's not serious, beause I cannot afford anything. I'm tapped out completely. Sigh.

That's all I can think of right now. I got the red velvet cake mix to make cupcakes agian too, so that'll be nummy. Also have a roast to put into the crock pot. Mmmm.

Lil Beachie has had a lot of action this past week. Check his twitter for more.

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