Friday, March 15, 2013


Last night we had a unexpected frost. It got down to 34F and thus hit my plants hard. I didn't know it was coming and didn't even cover up anything OR bring in all the potted plants. So... poor Zeke the Gros Michal looks dead. His leaves are limp and brown. I'm really upset because of all the bananas I have, that's the ONE special one that's so rare, it was declared commercially extinct in the 1950s.

Sigh. Poor Zeke. He's owned by a incompetent idiot.

In other news, I've gotten 144 bedding plants, all snapdragons or marigolds. I got 3 flats of the snaps and 1 of the marigolds. I planted marigolds around the edge of the center small circular flower bed, and planted snapdragons around the edges of... everything. I still have 2/3 of a flat left to plant somewhere. I also have multitudes of seeds coming, and just today I got horseradish roots in. Those will be planted to the side, near the property line.

Work has not been as busy but is okay. Next week is not busy at all and it looks like we'll even not open on Tuesday. Not good. I've been really lethargic the last week, and I think the depression is settling in. I did try to be really active when I got home from work for a few days in a row, but then I stopped, just no motivation to do anything.

Hopefully things will improve.

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