Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I was going to try to be positive all week. So this morning I found a huge scrape on the right lens of my nearly new glasses. I have to wear the glasses if I want to see!! And the scrape was right in the spot you look through.

I had a massive headache on the way to work, with staring through a scraped lens. Got through work(Yay boss!) and then I drove over to the VisionWorks to get them to replace the lens. Although originally they said $150 would get me two sets of glasses, they admitted they could replace one lens only for $80. Yes, I'm highly aware that it's a much better "deal" to get two sets of glasses for the $150, but I don't have that much.

I've read my stash of comics. I really really want to find a few that are missing right before or after.. and there's a spot or two that doesn't make sense. In one issue this and this happens.. and the next issue it reads like I've skipped about ten issues or more? Sigh. I found two to fill in.

I'm tired, I've not been sleeping well, but it's normal.

My boss got me the coolest pink stuffed lizard. I'm gonna carry it around everywhere! I'm posting a pic of me wearing it on my head.. cause you know, I like to look cool.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Now hear this...

So today I discovered something really seriously distressing. You cannot, and I'm not joking here!, CANNOT see yourself blink in real time. Yes!! I know!! Try it a few times if you like!! You can't do it! You can see yourself wink, you can see yourself ALMOST blink, but you can't see yourself blink, even if you clean the mirror really super well.

For some unknown reason(ok ok, it's cause I'm OCD and freaky weird), this newly discovered fact really bugs me. I know I could film myself, but that's watching it happen on video and therefor it loses something in the transfer.

In other news, I went and had lunch with my friends, the wife/daughter of my friend who died on friday. They've all been such wonderful friends, and I want to be there for them, whatever I can do. We ate food. Talked a lot, and then they took off to go yell at the insurance company.

I stopped at a textbook store, which also carrys comics, and they had a wall shelf full of $0.50 comic books. WTF?? Who carrys $0.50 comics? And these were not tattered rip-offs. These were mostly newer issue, perfect shape comics, and they had a lot of the new GI Joe titles. So yes, I have some comics, and I also picked up a paperback book, that is a prequel to the movie GI Joe Rise of Cobra. Dunno how good it'll be, and it's of course set in the movie-verse.. but we'll give it a whirl! I was amazed at how much of the GI Joe stuff I already had. Disappointing a little, but I've got a lot of new stuff I didn't have, and got it sooooo cheap, I don't even feel bad for spending money.

And I have leftovers for dinner! Country fried steak, with mashed taters and gravy. I ate the corn on the cob at the resturant.

On the downside, my crickets are dying off at a alarming rate. I'll have to order more, and order smaller ones this time so they don't all die of old age before I feed them off. The cricket bin REEKS. I can't clean it, because although I have another bin, I don't have packing tape to run around the top to prevent them from climbing out. It's one of those "for want of a nail, the universe imploded" things that are so very common in my life.

I've written even MORE on the fic, and I have over 50 reviews on it. Over 46,000 words long, I've posted only 13 chapters of it so far. I've almost posted one chapter per day, while most authors update their fictions about once a week to once every couple months! My readers are spoiled! If anyone is interested in reading the fic, here's the link:

And I included a picture of some of the confederate roses, I really love the blooms. When they open in the morning, they are ivory white. By late evening they are deep pink. Each bloom lasts only a day or so, but the bush has a lot of blooms on it.

And... that's about it!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My bad habit of eating items.

This morning I got a biscuit from Hardees. I love thier biscuits. So I ate it, on the way to work. Then as I was driving along, I noticed a small bit of bacon on my shirt(I thought). SO ... I snitched it up and popped it into my mouth... only.. it wasn't bacon. It was a bug.

My first thought was.. "Bacon doesn't have a squishy center."

I wiped my tongue with a finger, trying figure this out.. and looked and saw little buggy leg bits.

My second thought was "Bacon doesn't have legs..."

So I really should think about positively identifying items BEFORE I put them into my mouth and attempt to eat them. Which means, I'll think about it, but probably continue to attempt to eat things that should not be placed in my mouth. But I'll think about it.

Also, I found this video on youtube(It was posted on a thread about the 2012 bunk), so I thought I'd share. If the guy is right, then why haven't people been talking about a comet twice the size of Jupiter?? And if he's full of bunk, why haven't people been pointing and laughing at his scam?


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Asshat day.

This morning, woke up with puffy eyes. This at least meant I was asleep, at least for a few hours. Ok, we'll call it even.

Had peanut butter sannich for breakfast. Not a hot biscuit, but was foodage. We'll call that even too.

Got in truck to head to work. Promptly tipped over iced tea, lid not snapped down, cold tea in lap, up crack of ass. Had to go change, and get more tea. -1 for wet asscrack before 8am, and -1 for having to change, and running late leaving for work.

Driving to work, spot dead bear on side of road. Yes, real bear, within miles of MY home. But it's dead. But I got to oogle it. We'll call that even too.

Drove past squashed skunk. Smell got sucked into air vents, because I was running the AC. -2 for awful stench with no upside at all to the situation.

Get to work. Only client there for me is one angry cat, which I have to shave. It bit me, although it didn't really draw blood. It also yelled kitty obscenities at me all day. -1 for shaving angry cat who bites.

Groomed a standard poodle SO stupid, I wanted to do Sophie the bichon instead(Sophie is the world's WORST dog to groom, and comes in weekly). Had to wash and dry it without trimming the hair down, because it was packed down in wadded semi-matts. Dog kept growling and barking. -1 for doing stupid standard poodle.

Groomed Sophie the bichon. -1 nuff said.

Had to stay late, even though my clients were done by 1pm or so, because thursdays are the day that I close the shop, and also the day my rat guy delivers my order of live rodents for the snakes. Sitting in paperweight mode(after I did cleaning, and shut down stuff), I discovered Farkle on FB. +1 for discovering new game, and let's face it, it's a weekly thing that I stay late.

Ran into David in Publix, who told me "Hey your hair is getting longer, it makes you look more womanly, maybe now you can get a boyfriend" Twitched and really wanted to punch him in the head. Too many witnesses. Told him that I'd "been there, done that" and remember I already found "the one" so looking for someone else would be ridiculously stupid. He replied "You never know, you might have a chance with 'some guy'." -1 for dealing with stupid fucktard. -1 for NOT getting to punch him in the head so hard it would make his children bleed.

Finally headed home. Remember I did not make cards for tomorrow. Got home, and unloaded truck of stuff and rats. Fed snakes. Knocked container of vit powder supplement onto floor. Look like a cocaine party for roaches in my kitchen now. -1 for general stupid day crap.

Let's count the total. -9 for the day.

If the hatchlings eat, I'll call it +2, but if they don't eat, I'll call it -1.

Just about ready to crawl into bed, but I really really want to write some, not sure what.. but write something. Good fraking night.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Back yard!

The boys came and worked on the backyard. It already looks a lot better, and here's pics. After and Before!

Good lord, she's typing again!

Everyone run!!!
This is me in my new Ninja shirt, curtesy of Spyder's online store...
He can make whatever you want! Check him out!
Heehee, the pic should be named "Ninja nom Kitteh".

So last night I actually FINALLY fell asleep about.. oh.. 4am. Then I proceeded to dream that I couldn't sleep. Even to talking to the person in the room, saying how sorry I was about tossing and turning, cause it was probably keeping them awake. When I woke up, I didn't feel rested AT ALL!! This should be against the laws of nature. Not kidding, it's horrible.

Went to work, groomed a tailless hugely overweight cat, and a couple dogs. Then went by the bank, post office, etc... then decided to treat myself to Hardees. I went out on a limb and got some of their mexican food! I had thought to myself, "Hardees doing mexican foods? No way, it probably sucks." BUT!! You should always give new things a try, so I got a big burrito, rice and beans and chips, and one of the little chocolate cakes.

Yeah.. my first instincts were right. Omg, but Hardee's SUCKS so hard at making Mexican food. Seriously, bad stuff. I'd 10X rather get a frozen burrito from the gas station. I know how to make those tastey(tip, add enough butter, it's gonna taste pretty okay!). The best part of the meal was the Dr Pepper! And then I remembered the cake, and got it out. While it was moist and tastey, it was the size of an anemic quarter! So a good mouthful of cake, thanks guys! That sure hit the spot!

The boys are going to start working on my back yard, so I took some Before pictures to show how bad it is. Hopefully I'll have a backyard again soon!

In other news... hmmm... sun shining and hot here. 37,600 words on the one story now. It's starting to get near the end finally.

I'm at 214 lbs now. So I've held what I've lost, and lost one more pound. Not bad for not dieting and not exercising. My joints have been hurting something fierce lately. That's what happens to weather witches!
And that about wraps it up I guess. Tootles!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Two blogs in a single day!

Yee-hah!! Just wanted to continue trying this out. I've gotten TWENTY reviews on my storys, boo-YEAH! I love reviews.

The sun is shining brightly outside, and I have the AC turned up. Its gotten really hot outside, so I went and fed the last of the chicks to the lizards.

I've written out two full scenes in the fic I'm working on. I've also been working on the characters I need for the book. Until I decide on the characters I need for the upcoming section, I can't very well write it! LOL! So instead I'm fiddling about writing fanfiction instead. I truely enjoy writing in.

Here's the link to my story I'm working on, there's 3 under my pen-name if anyone wishes to bother reading.

Okay, that's it for today! If I feel like it, I'll dig out some of my funnier postings, and put them up here.

So this is me blogging!

Hey all! So here I am, with a blog! I've been tormenting people for years via email, and etc. Now I'm guessing I can spread my insanity faster!

Let's see.. lately I've been working, which is good, cause I have bills to pay. Work has been decently busy, enough that on saturday after I get off work I'm exhausted and drained, and need to drive home and die to death.

My DIADS status is still green, but occasionally it looks doubtful. Oh.. DIADS = Dead In A Ditch Somewhere, for those that do not speak wolfy-ese.

I had fruit and cheese for dinner several times in the last week, but also had fast food twice! Bad bad Wolfy! Shame.

Right now the big monitor lizards are outside in the big pen, enjoying sunshine, although it uncharacteristically rained on their little heads this morning. The neighbors were supposed to be mowing my yard today, but since it rained, I don't know when.

I wrote a total of approximately 35,000 words on storys in the last week. This is only counting final word counts, not stuff I wrote and deleted. I posted 3 fic storys, all GI Joe(my currant obcession). Pretty much all of them got great reviews, which pleases me greatly.

I re-read from the beginning my favorite online comic. Check it out.. http://www.lfgcomic.com/page/1

Umm... oh, and I have a ninja shirt coming soon. When I get it and I figure out how to post pictures, I'll do so! I'll try to put up a favorite LOLcat picture
for practice.
I think that's enough for my first blog, but keep coming back and I'm certain I'll get more interesting!