Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Good lord, she's typing again!

Everyone run!!!
This is me in my new Ninja shirt, curtesy of Spyder's online store...
He can make whatever you want! Check him out!
Heehee, the pic should be named "Ninja nom Kitteh".

So last night I actually FINALLY fell asleep about.. oh.. 4am. Then I proceeded to dream that I couldn't sleep. Even to talking to the person in the room, saying how sorry I was about tossing and turning, cause it was probably keeping them awake. When I woke up, I didn't feel rested AT ALL!! This should be against the laws of nature. Not kidding, it's horrible.

Went to work, groomed a tailless hugely overweight cat, and a couple dogs. Then went by the bank, post office, etc... then decided to treat myself to Hardees. I went out on a limb and got some of their mexican food! I had thought to myself, "Hardees doing mexican foods? No way, it probably sucks." BUT!! You should always give new things a try, so I got a big burrito, rice and beans and chips, and one of the little chocolate cakes.

Yeah.. my first instincts were right. Omg, but Hardee's SUCKS so hard at making Mexican food. Seriously, bad stuff. I'd 10X rather get a frozen burrito from the gas station. I know how to make those tastey(tip, add enough butter, it's gonna taste pretty okay!). The best part of the meal was the Dr Pepper! And then I remembered the cake, and got it out. While it was moist and tastey, it was the size of an anemic quarter! So a good mouthful of cake, thanks guys! That sure hit the spot!

The boys are going to start working on my back yard, so I took some Before pictures to show how bad it is. Hopefully I'll have a backyard again soon!

In other news... hmmm... sun shining and hot here. 37,600 words on the one story now. It's starting to get near the end finally.

I'm at 214 lbs now. So I've held what I've lost, and lost one more pound. Not bad for not dieting and not exercising. My joints have been hurting something fierce lately. That's what happens to weather witches!
And that about wraps it up I guess. Tootles!

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