Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I was going to try to be positive all week. So this morning I found a huge scrape on the right lens of my nearly new glasses. I have to wear the glasses if I want to see!! And the scrape was right in the spot you look through.

I had a massive headache on the way to work, with staring through a scraped lens. Got through work(Yay boss!) and then I drove over to the VisionWorks to get them to replace the lens. Although originally they said $150 would get me two sets of glasses, they admitted they could replace one lens only for $80. Yes, I'm highly aware that it's a much better "deal" to get two sets of glasses for the $150, but I don't have that much.

I've read my stash of comics. I really really want to find a few that are missing right before or after.. and there's a spot or two that doesn't make sense. In one issue this and this happens.. and the next issue it reads like I've skipped about ten issues or more? Sigh. I found two to fill in.

I'm tired, I've not been sleeping well, but it's normal.

My boss got me the coolest pink stuffed lizard. I'm gonna carry it around everywhere! I'm posting a pic of me wearing it on my head.. cause you know, I like to look cool.

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