Thursday, September 24, 2009

Asshat day.

This morning, woke up with puffy eyes. This at least meant I was asleep, at least for a few hours. Ok, we'll call it even.

Had peanut butter sannich for breakfast. Not a hot biscuit, but was foodage. We'll call that even too.

Got in truck to head to work. Promptly tipped over iced tea, lid not snapped down, cold tea in lap, up crack of ass. Had to go change, and get more tea. -1 for wet asscrack before 8am, and -1 for having to change, and running late leaving for work.

Driving to work, spot dead bear on side of road. Yes, real bear, within miles of MY home. But it's dead. But I got to oogle it. We'll call that even too.

Drove past squashed skunk. Smell got sucked into air vents, because I was running the AC. -2 for awful stench with no upside at all to the situation.

Get to work. Only client there for me is one angry cat, which I have to shave. It bit me, although it didn't really draw blood. It also yelled kitty obscenities at me all day. -1 for shaving angry cat who bites.

Groomed a standard poodle SO stupid, I wanted to do Sophie the bichon instead(Sophie is the world's WORST dog to groom, and comes in weekly). Had to wash and dry it without trimming the hair down, because it was packed down in wadded semi-matts. Dog kept growling and barking. -1 for doing stupid standard poodle.

Groomed Sophie the bichon. -1 nuff said.

Had to stay late, even though my clients were done by 1pm or so, because thursdays are the day that I close the shop, and also the day my rat guy delivers my order of live rodents for the snakes. Sitting in paperweight mode(after I did cleaning, and shut down stuff), I discovered Farkle on FB. +1 for discovering new game, and let's face it, it's a weekly thing that I stay late.

Ran into David in Publix, who told me "Hey your hair is getting longer, it makes you look more womanly, maybe now you can get a boyfriend" Twitched and really wanted to punch him in the head. Too many witnesses. Told him that I'd "been there, done that" and remember I already found "the one" so looking for someone else would be ridiculously stupid. He replied "You never know, you might have a chance with 'some guy'." -1 for dealing with stupid fucktard. -1 for NOT getting to punch him in the head so hard it would make his children bleed.

Finally headed home. Remember I did not make cards for tomorrow. Got home, and unloaded truck of stuff and rats. Fed snakes. Knocked container of vit powder supplement onto floor. Look like a cocaine party for roaches in my kitchen now. -1 for general stupid day crap.

Let's count the total. -9 for the day.

If the hatchlings eat, I'll call it +2, but if they don't eat, I'll call it -1.

Just about ready to crawl into bed, but I really really want to write some, not sure what.. but write something. Good fraking night.

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