Monday, September 28, 2009

Now hear this...

So today I discovered something really seriously distressing. You cannot, and I'm not joking here!, CANNOT see yourself blink in real time. Yes!! I know!! Try it a few times if you like!! You can't do it! You can see yourself wink, you can see yourself ALMOST blink, but you can't see yourself blink, even if you clean the mirror really super well.

For some unknown reason(ok ok, it's cause I'm OCD and freaky weird), this newly discovered fact really bugs me. I know I could film myself, but that's watching it happen on video and therefor it loses something in the transfer.

In other news, I went and had lunch with my friends, the wife/daughter of my friend who died on friday. They've all been such wonderful friends, and I want to be there for them, whatever I can do. We ate food. Talked a lot, and then they took off to go yell at the insurance company.

I stopped at a textbook store, which also carrys comics, and they had a wall shelf full of $0.50 comic books. WTF?? Who carrys $0.50 comics? And these were not tattered rip-offs. These were mostly newer issue, perfect shape comics, and they had a lot of the new GI Joe titles. So yes, I have some comics, and I also picked up a paperback book, that is a prequel to the movie GI Joe Rise of Cobra. Dunno how good it'll be, and it's of course set in the movie-verse.. but we'll give it a whirl! I was amazed at how much of the GI Joe stuff I already had. Disappointing a little, but I've got a lot of new stuff I didn't have, and got it sooooo cheap, I don't even feel bad for spending money.

And I have leftovers for dinner! Country fried steak, with mashed taters and gravy. I ate the corn on the cob at the resturant.

On the downside, my crickets are dying off at a alarming rate. I'll have to order more, and order smaller ones this time so they don't all die of old age before I feed them off. The cricket bin REEKS. I can't clean it, because although I have another bin, I don't have packing tape to run around the top to prevent them from climbing out. It's one of those "for want of a nail, the universe imploded" things that are so very common in my life.

I've written even MORE on the fic, and I have over 50 reviews on it. Over 46,000 words long, I've posted only 13 chapters of it so far. I've almost posted one chapter per day, while most authors update their fictions about once a week to once every couple months! My readers are spoiled! If anyone is interested in reading the fic, here's the link:

And I included a picture of some of the confederate roses, I really love the blooms. When they open in the morning, they are ivory white. By late evening they are deep pink. Each bloom lasts only a day or so, but the bush has a lot of blooms on it.

And... that's about it!

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