Saturday, September 26, 2009

My bad habit of eating items.

This morning I got a biscuit from Hardees. I love thier biscuits. So I ate it, on the way to work. Then as I was driving along, I noticed a small bit of bacon on my shirt(I thought). SO ... I snitched it up and popped it into my mouth... only.. it wasn't bacon. It was a bug.

My first thought was.. "Bacon doesn't have a squishy center."

I wiped my tongue with a finger, trying figure this out.. and looked and saw little buggy leg bits.

My second thought was "Bacon doesn't have legs..."

So I really should think about positively identifying items BEFORE I put them into my mouth and attempt to eat them. Which means, I'll think about it, but probably continue to attempt to eat things that should not be placed in my mouth. But I'll think about it.

Also, I found this video on youtube(It was posted on a thread about the 2012 bunk), so I thought I'd share. If the guy is right, then why haven't people been talking about a comet twice the size of Jupiter?? And if he's full of bunk, why haven't people been pointing and laughing at his scam?

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